Imperial Blades - 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Imperial Blades - 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

All of our oscillating blade purchases receive a no-hassle, money back or replacement guarantee in case of breaking within 30 days.

Should any of your multi tool blades break at the weld - we will send out the replacement right away. Breaking happens because of heat - not because the blade is defective.

Keep in mind, that you should try to keep the blade lubricated, and cool during the cutting process...always letting the multi tool do the work. Don't bend, push, or leverage the blade in any direction. 

For more difficult jobs, try our Imperial Blades Carbide Extreme

But whatever the reason might be, we just want you to be fully satisfied with all aspects of your purchase - because we don't just want to sell you a blade. We want to be a part of your business daily, monthly, and every year thereafter.

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